Friday, August 13, 2010

Trial Shots to Flying Creature

There are many objects in our own backyards or local parks that can end up as great subjects in photography.

This animal caught my attention to explore the settings of my SLR and clicked trial shots to this flying creature.

My first shot was a failure. I wasn't able to get the whole image so I did it again using other settings of my SLR.

I don't know if I am using the right lens but I use aperture priority for most of my images. In this trial shot, I used the TV mode setting, the quickest shutter speed   ( my first time to use 1600 ISO. I usually shoot in between 400-800 for most of my moving images), and continues auto focus.

After exploring the settings and took trial shots, finally I got the image that satisfies me. It isn't a perfect shot yet but I am optimistic that I can make it, soon......

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Beauty beyond Mistake

Spotting the view from my room on the 7th floor of my place in a night mode setting, I clicked the shutter of my camera and accidentally out of balance as I moved side ward, I discovered an art of photography.

Suddenly, kinds of light caught my eyes and continue to creat shots moving my camera upside down and right side up exploring to use other settings of it. 

What a beautiful, artistic composition I created out of mistake.

Sometimes learning to do new things to step out of routine is the best way forward.